Hi, everyone!
You may have noticed my webpage isn’t being updated as much as it once was.
I’m not doing as much writing as I once was.
My BLOG is still active—sometimes very active sometimes . . . not so much . . .
I hope you’ll stop by from time to time, and I hope you’ll keep in touch.
And, being a product of the 60s, I wish you Peace, Love, and Joy.
Carousels of Paris
The book captures the colorful motion of everyday life in the City of Light while chronicling the history and characteristics of these unique attractions.
Carousels are much more than amusement rides. They are emblematic of the fantastical and the fun, the wild and the tamed. With their varying degrees of ornamentation and craftsmanship, Parisian carousels have for more than a century signaled delight and merriment for children while igniting the still small spark of whimsy among adults.